domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

Smiling, laughing and happy on a daily basis…

Here is a message I got this morning that I’d like very much to share with you all. Somehow it brought me back on trails again, I guess, as far as my confidence in people is concerned. At least, so I felt it. Perhaps you’ll feel that way too.


I don't know why you apologise for the length of your messages; there is no need to, really. What you write is always interesting.

Hello, it is nice to hear from you again. Occasionally, I have visited your blog over the previous three, or so, years and I have wondered what happened to you. I have alternated from thinking the worst, to think all sorts of lovely out comes. I don't know why but both types of scenarios have often involved push bikes. I guess it is the product of my imagination.
I guess the reality is not quite so interesting. I hope you are feeling better now?

I hope life is progressing okay for you, your message seems to say the opposite, but I hope that is changing to something better for you.

Yes, you should travel, it is a wonderful thing. But, I guess, if you are not able to, we are lucky we have the internet, even if it is a somewhat second rate alternative. There is nothing like seeing places for oneself. I am always told by visitors to Australia that it is the Australian light that is so unique. I guess you don't get to see such detail through a computer screen.

I am well and happy. Well, happy in my personal life, even if I am not so happy in my professional life. I have a lovely new (going on two years) boyfriend who came along when I least expected him to, I guess, as boyfriends often do, who is smart and handsome and clever and funny and just so nice and normal that he has won my heart over completely. He makes me smile and laugh and happy on a daily basis.

I just need to find myself a new job now, which I am so less inclined to want to do.

So, good to hear from you. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2012.»

[A blogger friend in the antipodes]

… This is why mankind is still worth all possible efforts. And this world wakes up to a new day in much brighter colours whenever one is offered such a piece of comforting, reassuring prose. Lovely!

Thank you so very much, dear Friend ever since the very first minute!


4 comentários:

GMaciel disse...

Meu querido Ric,

Um texto com esta alma só encontra eco se do outro lado estiver alma idêntica, caso contrário cairá em saco roto. Por isso me comovi ao lê-lo, pela beleza de sentimentos espelhada e pela tua resposta à mesma.

Infelizmente sei o que digo. Mesmo com a minha idade ainda me iludo com fogos fátuos e sofro a respectiva desilusão, geralmente após alguns anos de aparências bem montadas.

Mas, e há sempre um malfadado mas, também eu falho com quem não o merece e, quiçá, provoco a mesma desilusão. Quando me apercebo que posso ter falhado com alguém, tento explicar-me ou mesmo emendar a mão, mas também perco tempo a pensar por que razão falhei?

Tenho chegado à conclusão de que a vida me tem mudado, aliás, os outros é que me têm mudado pois eu adoptei o mote de "com os outros aprendo" - o que assegurou uma concha na qual me enfio volta e meia. O problema é que podem pagar os justos pelos pecadores.

Dizia-me o meu pai; a cada acção corresponde uma reacção porque a inércia é um luxo dos pobres de espírito.

É verdade, mas existe uma armadilha nisto porque a reacção impensada pode, em si mesma, tornar-nos os pobres de espírito.

Desculpa o testamento, mas fui tocada pelo profundo sentimento de amizade aqui plasmado e deu-me para aqui.


RIC disse...

... E eu não me alongarei. A comoção é já a bastante.
Muito obrigado pelas tuas palavras!
E falhar, todos falhamos. Às vezes, por causa de uma breve desatenção, deixamos o outro pregado ao chão de espanto e nem nos apercebemos dessa mesma reacção... E lá surgem os malentendidos, os desencontros, as desilusões, as mágoas, os ressentimentos até. Viver bem é estar atento. Mas tal é impossível a 100%, 24/24 horas...
(A resposta seguiu ontem para os antípodas...)
Beijinhos! :-)

Malena disse...

Friendship is the "place" we turn to when nothing else seems to work for us. It is what keeps us going on when our life seems pointless.
I can see you're a man with good and sensitive friends. You're lucky! :))

RIC disse...

Well, well, well, dear Malena…
Guess we're now cruising here through uncharted territory…
Your first two sentences are gems indeed!
My most recent days/months/years (!) on this planet are a living proof of the value friends always have had in my life. Without them I’d be long gone. So you’re quite right: I’m lucky indeed! I owe it all to them!
As to good and sensitive friends, I guess we all who are quite «joyful» (!) always try to lend a hand to another friend in need. I’m not quite sure we are as generous as I think we should be, but that´s a whole different story…
Yes, my friends are good and sensitive. All I can do is to respond exactly the same way, though I do know I sometimes fail…
As to the pointlessness of so many things in life, I’d say that becomes quite apparent on a daily basis… I just try not to pay attention to what may bring me down. That’s why I like music so much…
Thanks a lot!
Kiss you dearly! :-)