quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2007

I. My Fondest Greetings to the World!

I've been trying to deal with this subject ever since I watched the number of those red dots growing on that enchanting map a few months ago now.
But then there wasn't that much yet to write about, and now I just couldn't find the time to go through my atlases and try to match each and every dot with a name on the map…
At first I thought it wouldn't be such a difficult task… Little did I know…
It took me really a long time checking all the possibilities for place names, especially as far as Europe, USA, and Brazil are concerned…
Gosh! It was really hard, but it was great fun as well, I do admit.
I believe I was careful enough (!) as not to let out any place where I know a dear blogger friend is at home. But the truth is the dots are there, as you can clearly see, so I just had to mention them all anyhow…
All I can wish for now is that each and every one of you will feel happy when you check out the following list and find your dwelling place or, at least, the place nearby that is a little bit larger so that I could spot it on the map…
It's quite possible I may have made some mistakes… I'm the only one to blame for them. All I can hope is that you'll be kind enough as to forgive me. Thanks a lot!
Watch and enjoy!

Egypt: Alexandria, Asyut
Cape Verde
Ghana: Kumasi
Nigeria: Abuja
São Tomé and Príncipe
Kenya: Nairobi
Angola: Luanda
Mozambique: Maputo
South African Republic: Johannesburg, Pretoria
Mascarene Islands

Canada: Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Sault Sainte Marie, Churchill, Montréal, Gaspé, Saint John, Port au Port/Stephenville…
USA: Fairbanks, Anchorage, Honolulu, Seattle, Pendleton, San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, Kemmerer, Denver, Santa Fe, Phoenix, Missoula, Kansas City, Miles City, Wichita Falls, Dallas/Fort Worth, New Orleans, Chicago, Columbus, Minot, Atlanta, Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Savannah, Tampa, Tallahassee…
Puerto Rico: San Juan
Bahamas: Nassau
Jamaica: Kingston
Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo
Guadeloupe & Martinique
Mexico: Monterrey, La Paz, Hermosillo, Mazatlán, Guadalajara, Mexico City, Mérida, Villahermosa,
Guatemala: Guatemala
Nicaragua: Manágua
Panama: Panama City
Colombia: Bogotá
Venezuela: Maracaíbo, Caracas, Cumaná
Ecuador: Quito
Peru: Chiclayo, Lima, Arequipa
Brazil: Rio Branco, Boa Vista, Manaus, Santarém, Belém, São Luís do Maranhão, Imperatriz, Gurupi, Fortaleza, Natal, Recife, Salvador, Itabuna/Ilhéus, Rondônia, Cuiabá, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Campo Grande, Londrina, Curitiba, Porto Alegre…
Bolivia: La Paz
Paraguay: Asunción
Chile: Santiago, Antofagasta
Argentina: Buenos Aires, Mercedes, Mendoza, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, Rawson

Russia: Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk
Turkey: Istanbul, Trabzon, Tarsus
Israel: Tel Aviv
Iraq: Basra
Iran: Teheran
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh, Jeddah
India: Amritsar, Bombay, Indore, Cuttack, Madras
Thailand: Krung Thep (Bangkok)
Vietnam: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
Malaysia: Sibu
Brunei: Bandar Seri Begawan
Indonesia: Jakarta, Ujung Pandang
The Philippines: Manila, Cebu, Davao
Taiwan: Taipei
China: Beijing, Shanghai, Zhenzhou, Chunking, Macao/Hong Kong
South Korea: Seoul
Japan: Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Naha

Portugal, Azores & Madeira
Spain & Canary Islands
Italy: Venice, Naples, Bari, Cagliari, Palermo…
Macedonia: Skopje
Greece: Athens
United Kingdom: Edinburgh, Portsmouth
Ireland: Dublin…
The Netherlands: Amsterdam…
Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart
Austria: Vienna
Hungary: Budapest
Romania: Bucharest, Cluj
Iceland: Reykjavík
Norway: Tromsø, Stavanger, Oslo
Sweden: Stockholm
Finland: Oulu, Helsinki
Poland: Warsaw
Lithuania: Vilnius
Russia: Saint Petersburg, Moscow

Australia: Perth, Alice Springs, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
New Zealand: Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

So here is my humble homage to you all, dear blogger friends, wherever you may be on this «small» planet Earth that seems to be growing smaller and smaller everyday, as our countless seconds, minutes, hours just go by and fade away. And we with them…
But while we are here, let us all make the very best of it by sharing our personal worlds with one another on these some times quite remarkable, wondrous, and amazingly strengthening pages of the bloggosphere. For the «small» miracles they've been working on me, my many thanks and my best wishes to you all!


10 comentários:

T-Bird disse...

;-D Your red dot, Will

Minge disse...

You missed your wee Minge out - in Edinburgh!

dondon009 disse...

TAMPA.... that would be me, and what a pleasure it is to "visit"!

Someday, I may visit in person.

Hugs to you, Ric.....


RIC disse...

Hello, dear Will!

Hello, Minge! I'm so ashamed for that ridiculous mistake... I hope you can forgive me, dear friend...
I've missed you more than any words can tell...
Best wishes to you and Phyllis, in EDINBURGH!!!

My dear Don!
I had to figure it out, since the red dot is situated exactly there!
Hugs to you too, dear Don! You're a great friend indeed! Thank you so very much for your support all this time long! :-)

Minge disse...

Oh, hen! Nae bother!

RIC disse...

Thank you so very much, Minge!
You are a dear!... :-)

Minge disse...

Not as dear as you, you delicious man.

RIC disse...

... «How very dare you?!...» :-D
You're fabulous indeed!...

Minge disse...

But you win, Ric, hands down, every time, you hot stud-muffin.

RIC disse...

No, no, YOU win: you just leave me speechless... :-)