Michael Cunningham
was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1952 and grew up in Pasadena, California.
He received his B.A. in English literature from Stanford University and his M.F.A. from the University of Iowa.
His novel A Home at the End of the World was published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 1990 to wide acclaim.
Flesh and Blood, another novel, followed in 1995.
His work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Redbook, Esquire, The Paris Review, The New Yorker, Vogue, and Metropolitan Home.
His story "White Angel" was chosen for Best American Short Stories 1989.
The author lives in NYC.
A Home at the End of the World
«This celebrated novel is the story of two boyhood friends: Jonathan, lonely, introspective, and unsure of himself; and Bobby, hip, dark, and inarticulate. In New York after college, Bobby moves in with Jonathan and his roommate, Clare, a veteran of the city's erotic wars. Bobby and Clare fall in love, scuttling the plans of Jonathan, who is gay, to father Clare's child. Then, when Clare and Bobby have a baby, the three move to a small house in upstate New York to raise "their" child together and, with an old friend, Alice, create a new kind of family.
A Home at the End of the World masterfully depicts the charged, fragile relationships of urban life today.»
Uma Casa no Fim do Mundo, Gradiva, 2001.
terça-feira, 10 de outubro de 2006
II. On homophile literature (1)
Editado por RIC às 15:18
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10 comentários:
My God! Two more books to read and I haven't even begun the penultimate ten!!! ;)
I have got to know more about you. My "Outlook Express" sucks right now and I cannot simply click on someone's email and write them. Therefore will you please send me you email address to: GrayBlogger@hotmail.com
Thanks, Ric!!
I have both books.
I was told A home... is one of the best books.
As soon as I finish one of the 4 I'm reading now, I'll start it.
I was hoping to start it alone on vacation. Oh well!?
... And just bear in mind the last ten are coming soon... (lol!)
Very well then, Gray! I'll email you in a few minutes. You'll get to know about me whatever you wish... :-)
I guess, Joel, I wouldn't like him very much as a person. I read an interview he gave to «Lire» a couple of months ago, and he seemed too clownish to me... But as a writer, he is what he is. Period.
Btw, «A Home at the end of the road» is also a film. And a good one, I heard.
You begin to read a book the instant you feel like it - that's my motto.
(Just between us: I'll be soon posting about Canadian cinema...)
Be merry! :-)
Meu, eu adoro este escritor li os dois livros anteriores dele que aqui no Brasil se chamou A Biblioteca da Piscina e A linha da beleza, amei saber que tem livro novo...abço
Olá Bofiscândalo! Ao teu serviço! É sempre bom saber que o que fazemos por prazer pode ser útil para outros! Mas creio - pelos títulos que referes - que estás a pensar num escritor britânico (com nome parecido), não neste. «The Line of Beauty» foi adaptado a uma mini-série magistral pela BBC. Tenciono postar sobre ele um dia destes. É excelente, de facto!
Um abraço!
Damn! And there was a movie made about it by the BBC? I'm becoming overwhelmed! Um abraço!
Hello Gray! I didn't see the movie myself either. No wonder! With a certain kind of censorship still prevailing around here... I'm sure you'll find it at any DVD rental shop.
Um abraço para ti também! (lol!)
You should read, if you haven't already, The Hours. Fabulous book!
Thank you very much, Gumby! No, I haven't read «The Hours», and I'm taking note of it.
All the best!
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