Preparemo‑nos para o Dia Internacional "Ex Armario"!
A saída definitiva do armário por parte daqueles que têm consciência da sua situação, querem sair, assumir a sua condição perante si próprios e o seu mundo, mas que, por uma razão ou por outra, não conseguiram ainda deitar as portas abaixo e libertar‑se.
Desde 1987, os EUA contam com o "National Coming Out Day", celebrado a 11 de Outubro a nível nacional, naturalmente com mais empenho e visibilidade nuns Estados que noutros. O dia comemora a marcha sobre Washington de meio milhão de pessoas em prol da igualdade para os homossexuais (gays e lésbicas).
«National Coming Out Day is observed on October 11 by members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities and their allies.
The day commemorates October 11, 1987, when 500,000 people marched on Washington, USA, for gay and lesbian equality. National Coming Out Day events are aimed at raising awareness of the LGBT community among the general populace in an effort to give a familiar face to the LGBT rights movement.
In the United States, the Human Rights Campaign manages the event under the National Coming Out Project offering resources to LGBT couples, parents and their children as well as straight friends and relatives to promote awareness of LGBT families living honest and open lives.»
We shall overcome!
quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2006
I. "Ex armario nunc!" – clamant Reginæ…
Editado por RIC às 09:34
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10 comentários:
Dear Ric and fellow LBGT bloggers,
I regret to say that, as a gay American male living in the United States, that nothing -- absolutely *nothing* was mentioned on any news channel in my area about this special day!
It - sadly - shows that my own countymen and women still don't get it!
Your last paragraph:
"In the United States, the Human Rights Campaign manages the event under the National Coming Out Project offering resources to LGBT couples, parents and their children as well as straight friends and relatives to promote awareness of LGBT families living honest and open lives.»"
is sadly misleading!!
NOTHING!! NOTHING!! Nothing on my local news!
I truly feel ashamed. I swear I would have participated if only I had know!
I'm so sorry, Gray. As I wrote in the Portuguese paragraph, I believe the visibility of the events would vary from State to State. What colour is Ohio?... Moreover, mainstram news channels wouldn't be too much thrilled in covering «those» events; they just don't like pink, I guess.
Now seriously: I think you could check out the situation and try to figure out what can be behind the silence. No good thing, I'd say...
If events are taking place indeed, news channels should be covering them... But...
(There's a link in «Human Rights Campaign»: click there and see what's on that page.)
Um abraço!
Thank you, my friend, I will.
... And by the way: would you be so kind as to post about what you're feeling today, for instance... It's an idea, isn't it?
I'll check it out later, I assure you, Mr. Gray!...
Ric, the following is a comment I left yesterday on another blogger's post in which he mentioned having to suffer in silence a relative's homophobic comment since he was still in the closet:
...I am so enraged by your cousin's homophobic comment and, frankly, saddened by your lack of response.
One of the great advantages of coming out of the closet (where I also spent several decades) is that one never, ever, has to hear that type of comment and remain silent again. In fact, once you're out, you probably won't even hear that type of statement at all.
You'll never have that cringing feeling inside or have your stomach in knots out of fear that someone will find out.
..., I understand that this may not be the time for you to come out of the closet. I really do. But at the same time I think it's important that someone remind you that you really don't have to spend the rest of your life like this and that the wold outside of the closet is a brighter, cleaner place.
I do entirely agree with you, Bruce! Me too, I went through the same for decades as well... Until it was more than I could bear! Enough is enough! If you don't get respect one way, you'll get it the other, even if only partially.
Maybe I should add that almost all my straight friends, men and women alike, are openminded people. At least, those who matter to me. So it was somehow easier than I could ever have guessed it would be.
And I feel so much better now!
Thank you very much for your valious comment!
I'm not surprised National Coming Out Day doesn't garner any attention here in the States. But that hasn't stopped me from wearing my rainbow bracelet to work today.
Thank you, Greg, for your comment! I cannot help being somehow surprised by that «non-fact» anyway...
Olha, eu nem sabia dessa data!
Aliás, realmente, é uma data a ser lembrada.
Não que haja uma obrigação em alguém ´´sair do armário``, não é isso. E muitos também nem podem, por motivos profissionais ou pessoais.
Mas, os que querem e têm condições de sair devem mesmo ser lembrados.
Olá Carioca! É sempre um prazer receber-te! Estou de acordo com o teu pensamento. Não há qualquer obrigação, de facto, mas é mais uma oportunidade de marcar posição. E quem estiver em condições de dar este passo, que o faça para sua própria felicidade!
Um abração!
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