I remember quite well buying a beautiful black T‑shirt at a gay shop – breaking news to me then – at Greenwich Village, when I've been to New York City a few years ago. In front, in an eye‑catching white lettering, you could read:
HATE is not a family value!
I believe you must have seen that same collection and even may have bought some of those incredible pieces of irony as:
I can't even think straight…
What glorious laughs I had then… Bill Clinton was President, and everything seemed to be going the right direction.
Now you can have «reparative therapy» at your service if you ever intend to become an «ex‑gay»… I ask once again: Is everyone gone totally insane, crazy, barking mad, whatever?!
14 comentários:
I worry daily about the future. Now we have a major US network about to broadcast a piece of fictional shit about 9/11 as if it were fact. And of course everything is Bill Clinton's fault. I fear my democracy is breathing its last breaths.
Come on, Gumby, I'm sure there's no reason to be that pessimistic! There are serious problems, doubtlessly, but nothing so many serious, honest, intelligent Americans cannot work out.
As far as TV is concerned it's the same shitty thing all over the Western world. We here too have to swallow down every single piece of crap (some of them pure propaganda) they want us to watch about 9/11 every day of this week. I couldn't feel more for the innocent victims, but this kind of brainwash has nothing to do with honest feelings anymore. It'e just a kind of desperate propaganda, I think...
Yes, I agree with you: Bill Clinton should no doubt have known better, so much better... :-)
What scares me the most is how some people are so willing to "sell their souls to the devil". Anything goes for them to reach their goals (politically, financially, ...), even making the life of others miserable. And yet they claim to uphold values... *u*k them...
Well, /Me, if one knows himself for being what he is and is aware he gives sharks a bad name, what else has he to do but stress most emphatically that he upholds values so that his message «gets around»?
I only get particularly scared about those strategies when science becomes an ally of bandits in power... You can fight opinions with other opinions, but how do fight knowledge, even if you're aware of its falsehood? Like all the lies spread around about animal sexualities... I won't ever forget or forgive those men of science for that.
Nice having you around! :-)
the men, who with sweaty hands pulled the lever to vote for bush, are nothing but frightened closet cases. The 'right' has used us as a battle cry for centuries, killed us, burned us and personally I'm over it. By over it I mean we should out every one of these cowards and let thier own people hunt them down. Karma is a bitch my friend.
You are as handsome as mercyless, Kb! I do like that! Well, as a matter of fact, your nickname says it all, doesn't it?...
I do agree with you! After all, «what goes around must...» When I started reading blogs back in June, I came across a gay's one in Washington DC where Bush was supposed to be The Saviour... By that time, having no other connections, I really thought the USA as a whole had gone irreversibly insane... I got really scared then, but I'm not anymore. You did help me!
(Btw, jolly nice having you over here in Lisbon!) :-)
Hate will never be a family value. But neither Gayism. All that's a minoritary behaviour will always be looked like a strange and wrong thing. We just have to keep on struggling... *
... Assustaste-me, homem!... Uf! Estava a ver que, não sei como, me poderia ter enganado na porta a que bati... Mas a última frase salvou-me do aperto.
Não creio que a homossexualidade pretenda ser um valor familiar. Se porém vier a sê-lo, também não virá daí nenhum mal ao ser humano: afinal todos os homossexuais são filhos de heterossexuais; é absolutamente plausível que «filhos» de homossexuais sejam heterossexuais... Não vejo nisto nada de extraordinário, ao contrário do que certos bem-pensantes nos querem fazer crer...
Obrigado pela retribuição da visita! Está à vontade para comentar. E em Português, se te apetecer, mesmo que os «posts» sejam em «estrangeiro»... (lol!)
Nice having you around!
Gayism might not be a family value, but the people are!?
I love my country!?
Funny how neighbors can think so differently!?
I'm so glad the idea to move to the States a long time ago has left!?
It used to mean something to be an American!?
Now it means something else!?
PS Doc went well, tell you more soon.
Hi Joel! Sorry for being so late, but I had xixits this evening. It was wonderful because we spent most of the time talking, and that's something I just adore...
I couldn't agree more with each and every sentence you wrote, though I feel much better now knowing so many Americans are frontally against what that ridiculous administration has been doing.
I'm glad you had a nice day. :-)
O mais curioso é que aqueles que se dizem "cristãos de verdade" são os que se sentem mais à vontade pra julgar os outros. Se eu não me engano, o Cristianismo é contra qualquer ser humano julgar qualquer outro.
Ah, esqueci de incluir: e o Bush se diz um "cristão de verdade"... Não sei em que esgoto ele é cristão, né?
Bem-vinda, Hera! Volta sempre e comenta à vontade em Português!
Chegaste aqui atravessando o Atlântico, creio eu... Não és tu que gostas de voar?... :-)
Obrigado pela visita!
Carioca, boa noite! Mais uma visita sempre bem-vinda! Tu pareces-me muito sereno, mas a verdade é que, quando tens alguma coisa a dizer, não mandas dizer por ninguém. Parabéns pela frontalidade! (Gostei muito daquela do «esgoto»!...) (rsrsrs!)
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