Can you imagine, dear blogger friends, a «homo sapiens» child's reaction to a «pithecanthropus»?!
The living proof is right in front of your eyes.
This is the once‑in‑a‑lifetime opportunity for each and every palaeontologist. They must get together for a thorough results evaluation after going through research data...
What will the future of that child be like?
How much trauma has that child been exposed to?
Is there any therapy that may help that poor child recover from such a close encounter? (Reparative what?… Sorry, I can't hear you…)
This is my reaction to the news in The New York Times (yesterday) about unspeakable plans to start World War III…
I can deal with this only in one of two ways: either I believe the journalist or I don't. History has proven «beyond the reasonable doubt» I should analyse carefully the first hypothesis. That's why I'm so angry.
Comentando esta preciosidade fotográfica há algumas semanas, eis o que me saiu: «Olha só, uma foto que faria feliz qualquer paleontólogo: um pitecantropo com uma cria de «homo sapiens» nas mãos!»
3 comentários:
That child might have a chace to be saved, I dont think he looked him straight in the eyes.
People wont stand for WWIII!?
I wont and fight for it!?
Have you checcked that NYT research? It's appalling! Those guys have been playing with the world safety all the time...
And what would be the purpose?! Beats me!... I'm speechless...
HERA! Se estás numa de Inglês, tudo bem! Mas podes comentar à vontade em Português!
Beijos pra vc também!
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