Seks: de lasten van de lust
Nederland is de meest geseksualiseerde samenleving ooit.
De bezorgdheid neemt toe, toch lijkt een moreel verval uit te blijven.
Feministen, conservatieven, moslims en sociaal- en christen-democraten spannen samen.
Zij keren zich tegen overdadige erotiek die de moderne mens zou doen ontsporen.
Maar is de vermindering van seksuele repressie niet vooral een zegen?
En moet onze seksshop niet verdedigd worden tegen de boerkaliefhebbers?
Jeroen Dijsselbloem heeft het niet makkelijk. Het spraakmakende Kamerlid van de PvdA beziet met permanente verontrusting de zedelijke ontwikkelingen in Nederland. Bijvoorbeeld de groeiende populariteit van porno op mobiele telefoons.
Scholieren zouden tegenwoordig 'massaal' naar blote mensen op hun gsm kijken. 'Dat is weer een voorbeeld van de huidige verslapte seksuele moraal,' vertelde Dijsselbloem vorige maand aan "Het Parool". 'Ik maak me daar grote zorgen over.'
Eerder sprak hij al in vermanende bewoordingen TMF en MTV toe.
De muziekzenders laten in de ogen van Dijsselbloem te veel blote (negerinnen) billen zien.
Het seksisme in de videoclips geeft een volstrekt verkeerd voorbeeld van de manier waarop mannen met vrouwen omgaan.
Het beschavingsoffensief van Dijsselbloem is opmerkelijk.
De laatste decennia liet de PvdA het ethisch reveil graag aan de confessionele partijen over.
In hun zorgen staan de sociaal-democraten zeker…
ELSEVIER - Omslagartikel
Sex: the burdens of lust
The Netherlands is the most sexualised society ever.
Concern increases, but a moral decline seems to stay away.
Feminists, conservatives, Moslems, and Social and Christian democrats conspire.
They turn themselves against excessive erotic which would do modern people go off the rails.
But isn't the reduction of sexual repression especially a blessing?
And don't our sex shops have to be defended against burkha lovers?
Jeroen Dijsselbloem doesn't have it easy. The talked-about Member of Parliament of the 'Partei van de Arbeid – PvdA' (Dutch Labour Party) considers the moral developments in the Netherlands with permanent distrust. For example, the growing popularity of porno on mobile phones.
Schoolboys nowadays look 'massively' at naked people on their GSM. 'That is an example of current slackened sexual morality,' told Dijsselbloem previous month to "Het Parool". 'I am deeply concerned about that.' Earlier he had already addressed TMF and MTV with admonishing words.
In the eyes of Dijsselbloem, the music senders show too much naked (black) buttocks.
Sexism in the videoclips gives a totally twisted example of the way men relate to women.
The civilising offensive of Dijsselbloem is remarkable.
In the last decades the PvdA gladly left the ethical awakening to the confessional parties.
In their cares the social democrats stand certain…
ELSEVIER - Cover article
Translated by RIC
sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2007
«Are we succumbing to sex?»...
Editado por RIC às 22:22
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7 comentários:
Será que demasiada permissividade pode conduzir a exageros? Sou a favor de uma sociedade livre, com as suas regras claro. Deve haver algum controle mas também cabe aos pais e educadores apontarem os caminhos e esclarecer os jovens do que é certo ou errado e quando acham que é a altura indicada para iniciarem a sua vida sexual.
Mas sempre houve sexo e pornografia, na minha adolescência havia a Playboy e a já mítica "Gina",(tudo hetero infelizmnete) e podíamos sempre recorrer a alguma literatura erótica. Lembro-me de ler o Marqês de sade e os Henry Miller da minha mãe. Sempre às escondidas pois tinha vergonha que ela soubesse o que eu andava a ler e o que eu poderia fazer durante certas passagens Rssss.
Olá Paulo!
Cada geração enfrenta os seus desafios. E não é por a anterior impor filtros que o que lhe é acessível fica bloqueado à seguinte. Mero alívio de consciência!...
Li um soneto erótico de Bocage aos 13, 14 anos - naquele tempo! - tão-só porque um colega de liceu trouxe o livro de casa e no-lo deu a ler no intervalo...
O processo hoje será o mesmo: o que uns pais proíbem, outros permitem. Não é a censura nem a proibição que resolvem seja o que for. Há absoluta necessidade de educação sexual nas escolas. Mas uma lei de 1984 continua por regulamentar, e jovens continuam a engravidar, como se estivéssemos ainda no início do século XX...
À medida que os filhos vão crescendo, os pais deveriam orientá-los: antigamente, nas leituras; hoje, nas navegações internéticas... Mas quem é que acha que tem tempo para isso?...
Nada mais digo.
Obrigado, meu caro! :-)
Prices must be paid for such freedoms, I suppose. Some consider those prices worth paying whereas others do not.
A cliché, I know, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
Hello dear Minge!
Thank you so very much for being around for this one!
I couldn't read the whole text, but I think its main point is different: it's less a matter of «such freedoms» (vague) than of what each generation considers «appropriate» for the next one to be «blessed with»... (Lol!)
Which leads me to think: fathers don't really want their sons to discover the very same sexual pleasures they've known, which is stupid, of course! But I'm sure this is the only and single reason why each generation after another has been condemning «pornography»: «you're not entitled to more pleasure than I am! Period.»
As always, there will be Greeks and Trojans. There's nothing anyone can do about that...
Hugs, my dear! :-)
Hello, dear Kapitano!
As in so many other matters in human matters and affairs, there will always be two weights and two measures... Or even more! Hence so much hipocrisy in this world as well!
Best wishes, dear friend! :-)
I still think kids should wait before having sex, that said,
I don't see why we should hide and treat sexuality as a big no no.
It's a big part of human emotions.
Hello, dear Joel!
That sounds quite reasonable among adults. But if you're a teenager and you get bombarded by all sorts of ads at all of the time, you'll most certainly end up asking yourself what is so reasonable about waiting until «later»... Once again, it's the power of money that prevails...
As to the «hush-hush» attitude towards sex, I'm totally against it. Nowadays, a correct sexual education is most important.
Hugs! :-)
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