Matthew Rhys as Kevin Walker
Jason Lewis as Chad Barry
Aren't they so cute?…
Rob Lowe as Robert McCallister
Eric Winter as Jason McCallister
Caution! This is a kind of a spoiler!
Don't read if you don't want to know beforehand what is going to happen.
«In his relationship with Chad, Kevin almost convinced him to come out, but Chad's manager told him if Chad came out, Chad would depend on him and constantly cling to him, and Chad's career would be ruined.
Kevin, wary of being too attached to Chad, convinced him not to come out. Shortly afterwards, Chad did come out, but no longer wanted to be in a relationship with Kevin.
While Kitty was working on her boyfriend Senator Robert McCallister's Presidential campaign, she met his brother, Jason. Kitty thought he was smart and witty and a good match for Kevin, and set them up for a date. The two men had a good time on their date until Kevin began insulting Robert. Jason soon became offended and made up an excuse to leave early.
At the end of the season, Kevin met up with Jason again when they had to plan Kitty's and Robert's engagement party. After a few drinks and some banter, they made out in the pantry. To Kevin's shock, not long after the kiss he found out Jason was an ordained minister. As the party wound down, Jason told Kevin he was a traditional person. While Kevin was not entirely sure how he felt about Jason or the situation, he replied that he could use some tradition in his life…»
Enjoy each and every minute of it lavishly! Don't miss it: Friday evening!
Não percam! Na sexta-feira à noite, cerca das 22:30!
13 comentários:
Ummm - they look very cute indeed! I'm missing out on this.......:-(
Hello dear Leone!
I believe you are indeed... But you just cannot have them both at the same time - Far East and Europe -, can you?...
This series called my attention for the first time some time ago (I must have missed a few episodes) as «Six Feet Under» did.
Being USA made (which for me is not so great news as far as series are concerned...), this one just swept me away. Its quality standards are really quite high.
Best wishes, dear friend!
Hugs from Lisbon to Seoul! :-)
Já me tinhas falado nesta série, vou começar a ver parece interessante.
Adorei a foto do Leone.
Um abraço.
Ok..ok...,hoje prometo não chamar anexos aos «piquenos».
Já tenho lugar marcado, na primeira
fila, para ver esta excelente série. Assim, certamente, não há pormenor que me escape ;-)
Beijinhos! :-)
Olá Paulo!
Começando pelo fim, o avatar do Leone reflecte claramente o tipo de personalidade do súbdito de Sua Majestade que há já uns bons anos faz vida nos Orientes. É um dos primeiros amigos que fiz na blogosfera faz agora um ano!
Quanto à série, tanto quanto consegui saber, a temporada em exibição entre nós deve estar a chegar ao fim. Mas vem aí mais...
É uma boa análise dos mais recentes problemas que afectam os EUA (e não só...) através de um olhar muito «desempoeirado» e penetrante, pouco comum por aquelas bandas... Digo eu...
Abraço, meu caro! :-)
Olá menina Carla!
Isso! Chame anexos aos rapazinhos que eu dou-lhe o arroz! Rsrsrs!
Qualquer um é decerto melhor que o paizinho que o fez e são todos... fantásticos! Mas eu tenho uma inclinação muito especial pelo Rob Lowe, que já não é de agora... Ai, ai!... Rsrsrs!
Vais gostar de certeza: faz bem não só aos olhos, mas também aos neurónios (o que hoje em dia é coisa «rarérrima» em televisão!)!
Beijinhos! :-)
Wow they are very very cute. You have very good taste Ric.
Do you get US programmes from TV that are voiced over in Portuguese. Im just curious to know. A voice over would seem quite strange
um forte abraco, meu amigo
Kev in NZ
Olá Kevin, meu amigo!
Thanks a lot, dear friend! I guess I do, unfortunately... If you know what I mean... Lol! Especially that Jason Lewis just makes me lose it... Lol!
We've been getting them for a long time now. Most of it has been trash, to say the truth! Idiotic series, mostly, only a few are really worth watching, like this one, not only because of the gorgeous mean, but also because of everything involved, fabulous actresses as well!
No, thanks God, no, they aren't voiced over! That would be a tragedy! I believe many people wouldn't watch them at all! I know I wouldn't! They are subtitled as it has been te rule ever since there is Televison in Portugal. We don't do as the Spaniards, the French, and the Germans who voice everything over! It sounds so ridiculous listening to an American actor speaking French or German...
Here's a small gift as a token of my friendship:
Danish: New Zealand
Dutch: Nieuw-Zeeland
Finnish: Uusi-Seelanti
French: Nouvelle-Zélande
German: Neuseeland
Greek: Νέα Ζηλανδία
Hungarian: Új-Zéland
Italian: Nuova Zelanda
Portuguese: Nova Zelândia
Spanish: Nueva Zelanda
Swedish: Nya Zeeland
Polish: Nowa Zelandia
Russian: Новая Зеландия (Novaya Zelandiya)
Arabic: نيوزيلندا
Japanese: ニュージーランド
I hope you can watch it correctly on your computer's screen!
Um grande abraço para ti também, querido Kevin! :-)
Bom fim-de-semana!
Wow querido Ric,
That is a lot of languages transcribed for NZ. You do know many languages, im very impressed. My computer is old but i can see things perfectly on my screen. Muito obrigado.
Um grande abraco para ti.
Bom fim-de-semana,
teu amigo em Nova Zelandia, Kev
e boa noite!
It's too early yet to say «boa noite» around here!... Mas (but) boa noite para ti!
As to your computer, I didn't mean to comment on it in any way. All I meant is there are several types of leters that may not be visible if you happen not to have them installed, as Greek, Russian, Japanese, Arabic... That's all!
Oh please don't go thinking I'd know all that!... Not in a century I would! It's a site that tells you all that (!
When you deal with languages you must know where to go to enjoy a better quality of life... Lol!
I'm eager to know who's going to win your contest!...
Um abraço amigo e um excelente fim-de-semana para ti também! :-)
Meu caro Ric
parece que ando a perder boas séries, a mais , na "2", e não é à falta de avisos.
Mas tenho o defeito de gostar de ver e gravar desde o primeiro episódio.
Carneiro, é mesmo teimoso, caraças...
Olá João C.!
Bom, ainda bem que te dás conta, não é? Comigo, acontecia que quanto mais coisas gravava, menos via... Até que me deixei disso: ou me organizo para ver ou não.
Neste caso, se te mantiveres assim, perderás pelo menos ainda duas temporadas... Eu também sou muito teimoso - sou Touro! -, mas quando vejo que estou a perder por causa da teimosia...
À toi de choisir, mon cher!
Abraço! :-)
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