sábado, 6 de janeiro de 2007

I. «Out Of Africa» / «África Minha»

Baroness Karen Christence Dinesen Blixen‑Finecke / Isak Denisen / Meryl Streep –

– "You see, I had a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills. But it really began before that; it really began in Denmark. And there I knew two brothers. One was my lover, and one was my friend. I had a farm in Africa… I had a farm in Africa at the foot of the Ngong Hills. I had a farm in Africa…"

I shall never forget these words for as long as I live!

Meryl Streep turned into an African queen before my eyes. In the bush country of Kenya, from seaside Mombasa to Nairobi, from Mount Kenya to Kilimanjaro, as told from the lyrical, poetic viewpoint of Isak Denisen.

And Robert Redford, the unique Denys George Finch‑Hatton!
Well, I'd rather not go into details now…
I'm sure this is one of his best appearances on screen ever. In every way…

Nor shall I ever forget the wondrous soundtrack!
That second movement – Adagio – of the Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A major, K. 622, will stay in my heart, in my mind, in my soul, for as long as I live.
If I'm advertising for Mozart, is that your question?
I'd do it my whole life through.
And for doing so I'd gladly pay on top!

Sorry for being somewhat nostalgic, but you know, to me it's as if this film had been released a few months ago, not back in 1985…
I have such great memories of it! And about it, for all it matters…
I'd watch it time and time again, many times in a row…

I hope and wish you would too...


20 comentários:

T-Bird disse...

Ricardo, I am not familiar with the movie nor with that composition. I have something new to explore, do I not?

Saturday Soup features some music I told you about: “Sketches of Spain". I think you will be enthralled by it. Check it out (I just published the blog and must go to bed). Concerto de Aranjuez (adagio), the first track, is based on Spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo’s Concerto For Guitar and Orchestra. Cheers!

Rian disse...

I LOVE the soundtrack of that movie as well. It is very romantic. My ex bf gave me the CD as a gift.

When I was in San Francisco near Union Square, a convertible was driving by in very slow speed. Its radio was very loud and you could hear the loud music everywhere. Usually people with loud radios hear RAP or Rock or whatever, but this guy was listening to the soundtrack of Out Of Africa, and I enjoyed each and every second. The beautiful music and the nice place went along so well (although it wasn't in Africa). I still love to remember that special moment.

I just saw Out Of Africa again when it was aired on German TV on January 1st. Always a nice movie, but a very sad ending. Probably the saddest ending of a movie I know.

Jack disse...

That movie is beautiful.

Would you mind emailling me, if there is a reason behind it poping up right now? The nostalgia?

Minge disse...

Wonderful. Meryl can do no wrong. I've never been comfortable with Mr Redford, though.

RIC disse...

Hello, Will! I believe you do have something to explore! In my humble opinion, this is one of the best films ever!
And you scored again! I love that Concerto! And it is so Spanish! I cannot explain why, I just feel it that way!
Have a good night sleep!

RIC disse...

Hello, dear Rian! It's so amazing how we all have different memories of the same «object». And yet they all relate in the end...
Your ex bf must have a wonderful taste indeed, and was very thoughtful as well in offering you the CD.
You have that special, beautiful moment in SF to remember. I have the memory of a colleague of mine - a very handsome, sensible man of Italian ascent - who had bought the record right after the exhibition of the film here in Lisbon, and invited me to go and listen to it. That evening stays forever in my mind... Only a few months later, he died in a stupid car accident. He was not gay, but he was a wonderful friend. I do miss him...
You see now. This memory is as sad as the end of the film... But I cherish it anyway. I really don't care very much if something is sad as long as it is beautiful. And «Out Of Africa» is one of the most beautiful films I've ever watched...
Vielen Dank, lieber Rian!
Ein ganz gutes 2007 für dich! :-)

RIC disse...

Hello, dear Joel! It is marvellous, is it not?... I've been loving this film for more than 20 (!) years now... I can hardly believe so many years went by already...
The reason is simple: I've been wanting to post about it since a long time ago, but the moment never seemed appropriate. Yesterday, however, I saw Meryl and Robert in two different contexts, and all the memories came back to me in a flash. I did some final research, and here it is... And the nostalgia plays a role too, of course! Too many memories attached...

RIC disse...

Hello, dear Minge! I get the feeling you don't like the film that much, do you?... That's okay, I guess.
I like Meryl very much, and as to «Mr. Redford»... Well, there are other actors I do like better, I admit it, but I do like his character as Finch-Hatton, so full of historical relevance...

Tongzhi disse...

Este é um dos meus filmes de referência :) É que tem tudo bom. A banda sonora acompanha-me há "bué" de tempo!!!!

Anónimo disse...

Excelente referência para os primeiros dias de um novo ano! Porque além de dos muitos sentimentos presentes, este filme fala também da força de vontade para (re)começar. Sem dúvida um filme de Sempre e um banda sonora inesquecível! Obg pela (re)lembrança.

RIC disse...

Óptimo, Imperador! Fico numa «naice» por saber que também tu gostas dos bonecos e dos tunes há bué (já não precisa de aspas, está no Dicionário da Academia...) da tempo, pá! Altamente!
Um gand'abraço pra ti também! :-)

RIC disse...

Olá Bruno! Bem-vindo! Concordo com o teu comentário, ainda que essa ideia de (re)começo não me tivesse ocorrido. Mas faz, de facto, todo o sentido!
Muitíssimo obrigado!
Um abraço! :-)

Anónimo disse...

Que pena não te perderes em detalhes sobre o Robert Redford ... if you know what I mean ;-)

RIC disse...

Que provocadora que está a menina hoje, Karla!... :-) I DO know what you mean!!! Sure!!!
Por acaso - só por acaso, é claro... - não é exactamente o tipo de beleza masculina que me faz subir... ao sétimo céu. Ainda que tenha um fácies masculino, creio que o conjunto é muito bom para contemplar... E chega!
(É melhor não me avantajar em mais considerações... Ainda ponho o pé em ramo verde...)
Um grande fim-de-semana!

Anónimo disse...

olá Ric
mais cinema, mas do bom, bons actores, boa realização, excelente banda sonora,um argumento à altura da personagem e claro, as fabulosas paisagens africanas.Este filme é tão real, tão interiorizante, que, para quem conhece África, até o cheiro daquela terra temos a sensação de sentir.
Quanto aos actores, não sei porquê e contrariando algo de muito meu, as actizes sempre me enchem mais as medidas, até fisicamente, é curioso;R.Redford é excelente, sem dúvida, mas aquela Meryl...
Quando essa senhora tiver uma interpretação menos conseguida, deixo de ir ao cinema, isto é, vou sempre.
Mas, quando falo dela é impossível não rever a despedida do filho, no filme "A escolha de Sofia", talvez a cena mais pungente que o cinema já nos deu.
Estás a ver, Ric, o que dá postar sobre cinema?
Um bom abraço.

RIC disse...

Tens toda a razão, João, Meryl Streep já faz parte intrínseca da História do Cinema, e por várias (muitas?) interpretações!
Creio que fiquei a adorá-la desde esta Karen Blixen. Depois, já ela me deslumbrou ene vezes... Até em «O Diabo Veste Prada» ela está maravilhosa! Coisas que o Redford, apesar da sua beleza e valor, nunca conseguiu.
Deve ser um fascínio acrescido para quem conhece África... Os sons, os cheiros, as cores...
Ui... «A Escolha de Sofia»...
Pois é, o cinema... Ao escrever esta resposta já está outro édito acima deste. Sobre cinema... Pois é, não tive como resistir... (E tenho-o em DVD! Sou ou não sou marado?!)
Um abração amigo!
Desejo-te um Domingo que possas guardar no teu baú de recordações pelas melhores razões de todas!
('Tá-me a dar prá poesia...) :-)

Gray disse...

I regret that, although familiar with the movie, I have never seen "Out of Africa."

You've given me an idea... I will ask a friend to rent the DVD and I'll watch it while on bed-rest [even though, knowing that it has a sad ending, I don't want to be depressed]!

RIC disse...

Dear Gray, I'd say You're missing something really very good...
Yes, I believe tou should take care about some strong emotions. The end is sad indeed, but the whole film is very beautiful. I guess you're the only one who can decide best: whether to watch it now or later... But it is really worth while! No doubt about it!
Quick recovery, dear Gray! :-)

Anónimo disse...

I can't believe I haven't seen Out of Africa yet! Great reminder RIC! Feliz Ano Novo de novo!

RIC disse...

Querido Augusto! Como é que é?! You of all people haven't watched it yet?! I really don't believe my own eyes! Such a priceless work of art! Okay, I understand, odd things do happen... (Lol!)
I do hope you'll watch it really soon, Augusto. I'm sure you'll like it.
I'm really glad you had the time to come by! Thank you very much!
Feliz Ano Novo para ti também e muito sucesso para os teus projectos! Mereces!
Um forte abraço! :-)