segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2006

Rainer Maria Rilke (3)

«Orpheus», a pen drawing by Hans Sfiligoi, Vienna

Die Sonette an Orpheus


Wandelt sich rasch auch die Welt
wie Wolkengestalten,
alles Vollendete fällt
heim zum Uralten.

Über dem Wandel und Gang,
weiter und freier,
währt noch dein Vor-Gesang,
Gott mit der Leier.

Nicht sind die Leiden erkannt,
nicht ist die Liebe gelernt,
und was im Tod uns entfernt,

ist nicht entschleiert.
Einzig das Lied überm Land
heiligt und feiert.

The Sonnets to Orpheus


Though the world keeps changing its form
as fast as a cloud, still
what is accomplished falls home
to the Primeval.

Over the change and the passing,
larger and freer,
soars your eternal song,
god with the lyre.

Never has grief been possessed,
never has love been learned,
and what removes us in death

is not revealed.
Only the song through the land
hallows and heals.

(Translated by Stephen Mitchell)

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Ric, my PC is all messed up tonight (don’t ask....). Please send Grey a comment and let him know that I am thinking of him and cannot get to his site. It has taken all night just to get here. I hope when I click okay it takes.

Sorry this is as off topic as they come, but he is in the hospital, left me a kind message, and I want to send good cheers to him. I appreciate it my friend.

You seem to be a clearing house for kind souls. Thank you for taking me into your refuge.

Anónimo disse...

It took!

Jack disse...

Finally I can comment.

What's this about Gray?

He lest me 2 good messages, and one really weird.

E-mail me the details please.

Thank you!

RIC disse...

Will and Joel! I'll respond to your comments together.
The details about what happened are to be found on a long post on Gray's blog that he himself wrote in the hospital where - I think - he is still at this moment (Tuesday, 1:00 pm, Lisbon Time). If you're both having problems in posting/commenting, I'll be happy to convey to him your wishes!
Wish you both the best!

Râzi disse...

Acho Morpheus uma das figuras mais interessantes em termos de mitologia! Um homem misterioso e excitante!!!


MEu querido, e como tem passado! Eu não tenho podido entrar muito nos blogs, pois o trabalho tem assomado à minha mesa! Mas estou feliz com isso!!!

E sabe de uma coisa, quase não sei nada sobre vc.. idade, o que gosta de fazer, se namora, essas coisas!!


RIC disse...

Olá Ricardinho! Só uma distinção: Orfeu, o da música e da poesia (que foi ao Hades resgatar Eurídice) e Morfeu, o do sono e dos sonhos...
Estamos em Dezembro, é natural que o trabalho aumente de intensidade. Eu também não tenho feito tanto quanto gostaria...
Ah, deu-te um ataque de curiosidade, foi, Ricardinho?! (rsrsrs!) Muito bem! Eu prometo pensar no assunto com muito carinho e - quem sabe... - talvez «Papai Noel» me ajude a mandar-te as respostas num e-mail... Está bem assim?
Abração e beijão!
(Já estás menos ácido?...) :-)