Tony de Carlo is a native of Los Angeles, California, now residing in New Mexico, between Santa Fe and Albuquerque.
He has been painting every day for the last thirty years. A self-taught artist, he began learning by drawing and painting in journals as a young teenager, each day expressing himself through his visual diaries. Although he abandoned his journals fifteen years ago to work solely on canvas and wood, he continues treating his canvases like pages from his diary, reflecting and expressing his day-to-day life and experiences in his work.
Most of the subjects in his paintings are people he knows personally, and the backgrounds contain elements from his life; his home, his dogs, his city, his neighbourhood park, his gardens and his relationships. He never does any preliminary drawings for his work, but rather makes the attempt to let something flow out from within him.
Some of his work mixes religious iconography with homoerotism. Beautiful portraits and other images blend elements of sensuality, religion, spirituality, and nature with Southern Californian, Mexican and Mexican-American ethnic and artistic sensibilities. Tony's extraordinary talent combines these influences and elements, and a brilliant use of colours to produce his unique vision.
Some of his work mixes religious iconography with homoerotism. Beautiful portraits and other images blend elements of sensuality, religion, spirituality, and nature with Southern Californian, Mexican and Mexican-American ethnic and artistic sensibilities. Tony's extraordinary talent combines these influences and elements, and a brilliant use of colours to produce his unique vision.
His work is exhibited regularly in museums and galleries throughout the USA, and his paintings are in collections around the world. They have been exhibited at (among others):
Arizona State University (Tempe)
Art Museum of South Texas (Corpus Christi)
California State University Los Angeles
Dezart One Gallery (Palm Springs)
Encantada Gallery of Fine Arts (San Francisco)
Galeria de la Raza (San Francisco)
Jose Galvez Gallery (Tucson)
Liz Blackman Gallery (Hollywood)
Mexican-American Cultural Art Center (Tucson, Arizona)
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (San Francisco)
Palm Springs Desert Museum (California)
Plaza de la Raza (Los Angeles)
The Frye Art Museum (Seattle)
The Mexican Museum (San Francisco)
University of the Arts (Philadelphia)
16 comentários:
I really like the first painting.
Do you know if he has a web site?
I love to check it out.
Thanks for the info/presentation.
That gives me an idea to post about the different art pieces I have. Nothing big mind you but I love them.
Hello Joel! Just click on his (green) name... and you'll be there! There you have many other paintings to watch. All fabulous!
What?! Will you please post about them soon, sir?... :-)
I'm very happy because of your interest! I may do some more of the kind!
Thank you!
Meu querido, sempre trazendo coisas novas! Adorei o quadro com as flores!
Grande Abraço!
Olá Ricardinho! «Girassóis numa Jarra Azul» é uma homenagem do pintor a van Gogh. As semelhanças são bem interessantes. Ainda bem que gostaste! Eu também gosto muito.
Para ti também um abração!
Isto anda enfadonho para comentar. Vá-se lá entender estas modernices...
Agora que consegui (acho ), aproveito para deixar um «hello», um abraço e votos de bom fim-de-semana.
Não creio que te tenha percebido, Carla, mas também não faz mal. Como estou com o humor do cão, talvez até seja bem melhor não perceber...
À parte o meu péssimo humor, também deixo aqui um simpático «Hello!» para ti, um abraço e um fim-de-semana tão tranquilo quanto possível! Ah, é verdade, moras em Sintra! Não sofres com as loucuras das obras lisboetas (próximo édito)...
Beijinhos! :-)
Fourhorses was here ;-D
... So I was right! You hadn't seen it yet. Unforgivable!...
Now I know you have been here. (Lol!)
Hope you've enjoyed it!
No...I had seen it but was not in a talkative mood (will describe off line). I am surprised that you saw my little comment i tried to sneak in under the radar. So...lets see if this will sneak in.
only a single countertop left to clear.
This brings back memories of moving in on christams eve, 1997. Back to a state of being pristine and empty once again.
No, sir, this won't sneak in either... My control mechanism is quite tight: almost nothing goes through it.
I'm sorry, Will, but I'm afraid I didn't quite understand your last paragraph... (Communicating implies sharing a context; without that no words are valid.)
The kitchen being empty now -- it is how it looked when i moved into my home on christmas eve, 1997.
Ten years can be a long time indeed. It only depends on the amount of events one experiences.
Now that your part of the work is done, try to calm down and get ready for your new kitchen! Soon!
And then other memories will join the old ones... C'est la vie...
I have art glass samples to decide upon for the upper cabinets tonight. Will take a bath first.
That's definitely something quite pleasant to do! A nice, warm bath first and then artistic decisions to make... Enjoy it!
Well, I think i am choosing a glass named "Krinkle". Random design that gives lense efefcts so that even though it is clkear, it is all bit distorted to kalidescope the view into the cabinet.
... And that must be a beautiful effect indeed!
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