terça-feira, 3 de outubro de 2006

II. All the threes...


I've been tagged by a delightful bitch
I'm so furious I could vomit!»)
Here are some things about me
that must come in threes…

3 smells I love:

3 smells I hate:
Rotten eggs…

3 jobs that I have had in my life:

3 movies that I could watch over and over:
Out of Africa
Sunset Boulevard
Westside Story

3 days of fond memories:
Landing in Frankfurt after my first flight ever (July 21.st 1976)
Arriving in New York City (August 1995)
Entering my own apartment for the very first time (August 1.st 1985)

3 jobs I would (have) love(d) to have:
Airline steward

3 places that I could live (since I've always lived in Lisbon):

3 things I like to do:
Listen to classical music

3 of my favourite foods:
Roasted beef
Grilled sardines

3 places I would like to be right now:
Rangiroa (French Polynesia)

3 websites that I visit daily:
Spiegel online

3 things that move me to tears:
Unfair destinies

3 friends that I am tagging:

I'm not! I promised I wouldn't and I won't!
Any volunteers though, guys?... Please!...

21 comentários:

RIC disse...

Yes, I believe we must... «But computer says noooo...» (lol&lol!)
I hope you'll enjoy the reading, Minge!

Minge disse...

I did enjoy reading it.

Why would you like to be in French Polynesia? An old flame?

RIC disse...

No, Minge, just a beautiful, untouched landscape and a great refuge. Not like Bora-bora though, but still makes me wonder about beauties and myths of South Pacific... I could use that right now, preferably with a net connection...

Bruce disse...

I know that grilled sardines are a Portuguese specialty, but we have great grilled sardines in Venice, too. Think about it.

RIC disse...

Oh Bruce, please! Don't start this head of mine wondering about Venice... That would just be so much more than I can bear now!
Moreover, I love Italian food! Lord! Where am I heading to?... Better stop now. :-)

Minge disse...

Ric, get a round the world plane ticket.

RIC disse...

So funny, Minge... As always!
And that wouldn't be my cup of tea ever! Flying around the world may be something for Mr. Virgin, but not for me. I love quietness. I don't care for stressful hours at airports. I would take the Orient Express if only there were still one worth that name... :-)
I know, you were just teasing me...

Jack disse...

aimnpnI loved these answers. Fun!?

Thanks for sharing a bit more!?

RIC disse...

Okay, Joel, if you say so... I wish I could understand whatever that first word in your comment means... I guess this may be a new «fashionable trend»: type what ever your fingertips dictate...
Sorry for being sarcastic, but I just couldn't help it... I don't think it is much considerate to leave «behind» a word like that.
Oh I do share willingly! You're welcome! :-)

Jack disse...


You know what that is,

when I wanted to post my comment, it told me my word verification was wrong.

I gave me a new word and when I entered it I couldn't find my cursor. lol

So it's my second word for word verification.

Sometimes, it's also NEO or Teddy trying to get in on the comments(they walk on the key board)

Rian disse...

Oh well, I couldn't resist. I did this meme myself.

I like the date of one of your days of fond memories. It's my birthday (even the year matches)...

RIC disse...

Oh I see now!!! (lol!) Cats and kittens commenting on my posts! Of course! They just watch Kristeva playing around in her basket and get curious... (lol!)
«They walk on the keyboard»: the sentence of the day! I do love it!
Thanks for being self-tagged! You're a dear, Joel! :-)

RIC disse...

Hallo Rian! Wirklich?! Mensch, was alles auf dieser Welt doch geschehen kann... Ich bin jetzt ganz neugierig... Bald bekommst du Besuch von mir!
Vielen Dank dafür, dass du nun ein zweiter Freiwilliger bist. :-)

Jack disse...

2 questions!?

Am I the only one that did it?
(sorry about the "b" word you used it so I figured I had too. lol

And do you like the pics in my post?!

All threes!? hehehe

Anónimo disse...

Nova «etiquetagem»?... Olha que não há duas sem três...


RIC disse...

No, Joel, I think you were the first one, but Rian did it as well. Oh, you mean «bitch»! Just read Minge's first comment on this page and you'll understand it right away... He's adorable!
As to the pics, I'm always «afraid» of opening your blog as I may get excitingly surprised... Does this answer your question, sir?...
Thank you again! :-)

RIC disse...

Percebi, Carla, percebi... Mas o que é que hei-de fazer? Não posso dizer não a alguém que me conheceu aqui por volta do fim de Julho e dois meses depois me manda um postal lindíssimo do Japão. Há gentilezas que nos iluminam os dias, mesmo se estamos em baixo...
Quanto à terceira, venha ela! É só dizer!
Bom feriado! :-)

Minge disse...

You're adorable, Ric.

RIC disse...

Thank you very much, Minge! (Whatever your reason(s) may be...)
Ici tu es toujours chez toi! Hier bist du immer zuhause! Aqui estás em tua casa!
Bye-bye, au revoir, adeus!
Obrigado! :-)

Gray disse...

"We delightful bitches must stick together!" LOL! I would roll in the floor laughing if it weren't too late at night.

RIC disse...

Yes, Gray, I almost did myself when I read Minge's comment! He's really unique and adorable. Long live Scotland!