I've been challenged to post about myself. Here it goes.
i) I believe in a spirit – a force, a god, a ruler, a kind of intelligent plasma – which no man has had, or has, or will ever have the faintest clue about. There simply is no revelation.
ii) I dreadfully fear the easiness how I deal with solitude.
iii) I'm afraid of depths, but not of heights: I couldn't ever cross an ocean on a ship, but I've done it quite calmly by airplane several times.
iv) I have a uniform fetish: any good-looking guy in a martial uniform sets off my wildest dreams…
v) I give no credit to fashion; I've never had.
vi) I'd be in heaven permanently if only I could use the languages I speak on a daily basis.
Here are the nominees to post about themselves (please, don't let me down!):
(Anyone joining in is welcome. By the way, just drop me a word…)
Desafiaram‑me a postar sobre mim próprio. Aqui vai.
i) Acredito num espírito – uma força, um deus, um líder, uma espécie de plasma inteligente – do qual homem nenhum nunca fez, não faz, nem jamais fará a menor ideia. Simplesmente, não há revelação.
ii) Receio profundamente a facilidade com que lido com a solidão.
iii) Tenho medo das profundidades, mas não das alturas: jamais atravessaria um oceano de navio, mas já o fiz várias vezes de avião.
iv) Tenho um fetiche por fardas: qualquer bem‑parecido numa farda marcial faz disparar os meus sonhos mais loucos…
v) Não dou importância nenhuma à moda; nunca dei.
vi) Estaria sempre no céu se ao menos pudesse utilizar diariamente todas as línguas que falo.
Eis os desafiados a postarem sobre si próprios (por favor, não me desiludam!):
(Quem quiser juntar-se é bem‑vindo! Já agora, diga‑me qualquer coisa…)
sábado, 30 de setembro de 2006
A challenge from Rio - how could I ever resist?...
Editado por RIC às 16:19
Mêmes e Testes
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22 comentários:
The challenge is to post about myself? lol
Have you read my blog? lol
I'll have to think about what else I can put.
Just six sentences, shorter or longer, as you wish. Habits, tastes, fobias, at home, outside, whatever...
Oi, Ric.
Tô vendo que você gostou da brincadeira, né? Tá certo...
As minhas características eu vou postar na madrugada de hoje pra amanhã.
Obrigado por entrar pra brincadeira! Um abração, amigo!
Não tenho a certeza ae gostei da brincadeira, Carioca... A verdade é que não tive coragem de ser desmancha-prazeres.
Por mim, não me importo de participar (algumas correntes partem de ideias interessantes e curiosas). Mas custa-me «obrigar» outros a participarem em algo que pode não lhes dizer absolutamente nada...
É este o meu ponto de vista.
Um abração!
Digo pois, Ric! "Qualquer coisa".
Agradeço-te a partilha de seis «traços» teus.:-)
(Quanto a criar um blog, devo dizer-te que já me ocorreu essa ideia...mas, sinto que me falta um «empurrão». Além do mais, confesso, não sei bem como funciona o miolo dos blogs...entendes?)
Boa noite :-)
Às vezes, não é assim tão difícil dizer sim, mesmo que não apeteça muito... O pior é que, quando se espera que aconteça o mesmo connosco, aí...
Bem, «miolo» no sentido de cachimónia ou do que está lá dentro? Tudo se aprende, não é?...
Buonanotte! :-)
Ric, de forma alguma a pretensão era essa. Dizem que sou Agridoce, é verdade! Mais agre que doce... também é verdade! Não foi o caso, cre. Se assim fui lida..sorry!
" Às vezes, não é assim tão difícil dizer sim, mesmo que não apeteça muito... O pior é que, quando se espera que aconteça o mesmo connosco, aí..." Como assim?
Referes-te às «correntes»? Estou (mesmo) lerda!
Quando falei/escrevi miolo, queria dizer funcionamento interno. Mas, como dizes, tudo se aprende...
oh dear.
I'll do my best!
Interesting and fabulous. Will be on the case!
Como vês pela hora abaixo, só agora me é possível responder-te... Estas máquinas são insuportavelmente caprichosas, cheias de vícios e bichices que me deixam passado de todo! E ainda não consegui perceber se esta mer... está para ficar! Enfim...
Tens razão, não fui claro. Referia-me, sim, às correntes... Não me importo que me desafiem, mas não gosto de encostar os outros à parede. Feitios...
Um bom domingo! Outubro está aí!... :-)
Thanks, Gumby! You're a great pal! :-)
Well Minge, I'm not so sure about it being fabulous, but... I've been challenged to challenge others, and some times it's hard to say no... Thanks! :-)
Ok, I've accepted the challenge. ;-)
Was hard to find something that hasn't been mentioned on my 100 facts list though.
Oh I have one too, Rian! I guess I've posted it somewhere in the second half of July... (I changed a bit 5 from them and added a new one).
Thanks a lot for being so kind! :-)
Ric, ich hoffe, du nimmst mir das mit dem "Stöckchen werfen" nicht übel, ich habe mir jetzt erst überlegt, dass man es vielleicht auch negativ behaftet verstehen kann.
In deutschen Blogs wird ein Meme ganz einfach "Stöckchen" genannt, und "XY hat mir ein Stöckchen zugeworfen" ist der normale Ausdruck dazu (vgl. auch mit Googles Blog-Suche).
Ich weiss, dass es auf Englisch nicht bekannt ist, aber ich fand es bildlich halt nett. Wollte nur nochmal sichergehen, dass es nicht negativ aufgefasst wurde (so in der Art von "Er befielt und ich soll springen ...")
Mensch, mach dich doch nicht so oft so viele Sorgen, bitte!
I fand es sogar sehr lustig und verstand's sofort (nicht, dass ich ausserordentlich klug bin).
Wenn du's erlaubst, finde ich, dass du dich weder so oft noch so gründlich nicht zu rechtfertigen brauchst.
Rian, du bist ein ganz netter Kerl!
Und vielen Dank fürs Stöckchen! Im Ernst! :-)
My bitter, twisted, and cynical life is here.
I would like to keep my blog confined to issues, and to refrain from making too much direct reference to myself (although we admittedly reveal ourselves at every turn). But since the exercize seems interesting, if you don't mind, I'll give you the six lines here:
1) I consider the brain to be the human body's sexiest organ.
2) Next to sex, I love to eat. If I ate everything I wanted, I would weigh 150 kgs. (If I had sex as often as I wanted, I would probably be in prison, or dead.)
3) I hate working out, and I mistrust anyone who says he enjoys it.
4)I like to cook, and my friends say I'm pretty good at it; I hate all other forms of housework and gladly pay a housekeeper to do it for me.
5) I am snobbish about men's cologne and use a rather expensive, hard to find scent (discretely), but I can be driven wild by the cheap aftershave that reminds me of what guys used to ware in high school lockerrooms.
6) Small talk is not my strong suit, nor am I at all sorry about it.
Very well, Captain, I'll be with you in a minute.
Thank you very much!
Dear Bruce
I thank you for your participation, especially because it's the first time I read a text of yours here.
I believe I could have written 1, 3 and 6 myself. «Not so different» seems to be a blog I will very much enjoy reading. You have definitely a new reader!
And the fact that you live in Venice just sets off all the myths and memories I've cherixhed for such a long time.
(This also means I have now another reader in Italian. I'm happy about it.)
Once more, welcome and thanks!
Oh yes, there's something about your writing that reminds me of Gore Vidal...
Gore Vidal? Well, maybe so. (I feel like one of those old ladies in Sicily, dressed in black, who make the sign of the cross and mutter prayrs when someone stumbles on a truth that no one is supposed to see, as though they had seen a witch.)
Several years ago I sat next to Gore Vidal on a flight between Rome and New York (It was in the good old days where my work with a refugee agency would get me bumped up to first class because of the amount of business we did with the airlines.) He was quite communicative, but since I hadn't read very much of his work at that time, I, a bit embarassed, was somewhat less forthcoming.
I was tempted to cover for my ignorance by making a rather sardonic remark, confessing that I hadn't read much of his work because I don't read popular fiction. But then it dawned upon me that such a remark would have been something quite along the lines of what he himself would have said--- with a knife so sharp you don't even realize until later that you're being cut---.
(The Sicilian ladies are right. Such perception is sometimes dangerous!)
Ric, thanks again for your kind remarks and helpful comments.
Wonderful memories you have, Bruce! Reading your words about the Sicilian ladies reminded me of the Portuguese widows we would still see only a few years ago... Even that has changed.
So you didn't read «popular» fiction?! Gore Vidal's fiction «popular»?! Oh man, that was sardonic indeed... And you were cutting yourself without even feeling it... Amazing episode!
Thank you for sharing it!
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