1. Dismay — Oh! Fuck it.
2. Aggression — Fuck you.
3. Passive — Fuck me.
4. Command — Go fuck yourself.
5. Incompetence — He’s a fuck-up.
6. Laziness — He’s a fuck-off.
7. Ignorance — He’s a fuckin' jerk.
8. Trouble — I guess I’m fucked now.
9. Confusion — What the fuck.
10. Despair — Fucked again.
11. Philosophical — Who gives a fuck?
12. Denial — You ain't fuckin' me.
13. Rebellion — Fuck the world.
14. Annoyance — Don't fuck with me.
15. Encouragement — Keep on fuckin'.
16. Etiquette — Pass the fuckin' salt.
17. Fraud — I got fucked by my insurance agent.
18. Difficulty — I can't understand this fuckin' business.
19. Identification — Who the fuck are you?
20. Ugliness — You're a dumb looking fuck.
21. Agreement — You're fuckin' all right.
22. Benevolence — Don't do me any fuckin' favors.
This piece of linguistic jewelry was copied at Greenwich Village, NYC, NY, from a shop window (!) by RIC himself. When? Some time ago…
Yeah, I was there myself, and I was feeling terrifically well. I just couldn't either imagine – or believe – you could read something like that, inside a beautiful wooden frame on blatant display at the front of the shop window. I still remember all the noisy laughs I had while copying it…
(If I have offended you, I am sorry. However, and as a disclaimer, the first sentence of «About» reads as follows: «Here anything may become a subject».)
quinta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2006
How to use the f... word: a pragmatic approach...
Editado por RIC às 05:20
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9 comentários:
I always imagine the person doing it when I say it!? lol
I guess it's less painfull that way!? lol
I'm way too visual!?
Meine Güte! Jetzt wird mein Deutsch wirklich erstklassig! Vielen Dank, Hans! Ich hatte daran gedacht, die Leser um Ergänzungen zu bitten, ich hab's doch endlich nal vergessen... Ist das aber lustig!
Und hier habe ich noch etwas für Dich:
«Metroleszent»: der adoleszente Metropolenbewohner, der unnatürlich früh erwachsen wird, der interessiert, informiert und vernetzt ist, während mehr und mehr Erwachsene immer kindischer werden. Offenbar gilt die Devise, es ist eine Verschwendung, das Jungsein den Teenagern zu überlassen...
(The Observer+Der Spiegel)
Siehst Du? Es ist echt wahr!...
Pois é, André, umas gargalhadas inesperadas são um bom remédio para muita coisa...
You're absolutely right! No other language uses the f... word with so many different meanings. It's definitely f...ckin' amusing! :-)
(É sempre bom gargalhar ao final de um dia f...!)
Não é que eu também pensei nisso! Mesmo para ingleses e americanos já percebi que também é divertido. Ainda bem!
Adorei aquelas duas semanas em Nova Iorque! Foi do melhor!...
Um abraço!
LOL! This is just too f***ing funny, Ric!
It is, isn't it, Gray? Now imagine how I felt when I came across it in New York... I just couldn't stop laughing...
Thanks a lot!
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