sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2006

Dos ventos de loucura que sopram pelo mundo

Não há mundos novos à venda em lado nenhum, apesar de tudo o que a demoníaca economia liberal de mercado livre nos impinge.
O consumismo – entranhado em nós e manifestando‑se em cada gesto nosso, do mais inconsciente e inocente ao mais criminoso e maléfico – tem‑nos levado a crer que um dia poderemos facilmente descartar‑nos deste mundo, caso ele deixe de nos servir como o tem feito até aqui: como nosso escravo.
Mas quais são os mercados que transaccionam com novos mundos?…
Tudo começou tão cedo, bem à frente dos nossos olhos. Porém, não vimos nada da sociedade de consumo em soberbo crescimento, tão cegos estávamos de querer ter tudo. Fraquezas nossas que pagaremos bem caro.
Há quase cem anos, no dealbar da modernidade, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (foto) declarava que a guerra era «a única higiene do mundo»… Que diria ele hoje se acaso pudesse regressar de além tumba?

On the winds of madness blowing over the world

There are no new worlds for sale anywhere, in spite of everything the devilish liberal economy of free market palms upon us.
Consumerism – rooted deeply in ourselves and showing off in each and every gesture of ours, from the most unconscious and innocent to the most criminal and evil – has led us to believe that one day we may easily dispose of this world if it ever happens to stop serving us as it has been doing up till now: as our slave.
But which markets operate with new worlds?…
Everything began so early, right in front of our eyes. Yet, we saw nothing of the consumerist society in superb growth, so blind were we of wanting to have it all. Weaknesses of ours that we're bound to pay a very high price for.
Almost a hundred years ago, at dawn of modern times, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (
photo) claimed the war as being «the world's sole hygiene»… What would he say today if he ever could return from beyond the tomb?

4 comentários:

robmacca disse...

Indeed the world has gone mad for the pursuit of globalisation and greed.
I think he would be appaulded how human dignity is second to company profit.

RIC disse...

Thank you, Robbie! Nice having you around again!
I still remember so well the first time I read his Manifesto. If it sounded then like some joke to my ears, now sounds like bitter irony... And the intellectual provocation became daily reality.

Jack disse...

I think you know where I stand here!?

He'd cry and kill himself!?

RIC disse...

He would, wouldn't he, Joel? I want to believe so too myself.