domingo, 16 de julho de 2006

Words of Welcome to All Blogger Friends

This text should have been posted no less than two days ago. Yes, right on the very first one. I know I was under too much stress, dealing and coping with a whole lot of new concepts to me as to be able of even acknowledging the existence of foreign languages... In any case, I left a «post-it» on my printer, should the opportunity ever come up for me to start thinking in English again.
Yesterday I was too busy trying to figure out whether I'd done everything right as far as the «functioning» of the whole device is concerned. To say the truth, I've never thought it would turn out so easy. If I ever had, I'm sure (now) I'd have created my blog before.
On the other hand, I got really worried about everything which is happening in the Middle East. So it seemed to me just the right topic to discuss and to post about. Then, taking some extra time to read and to comment on posts in others' blogs was what I did next. And time went by just like that. It was just too late to start writing anything whatsoever.
So here I am today. At last. I hope you're all fine and enjoying the moment. I know my English is a bit precarious. I'm sure no one likes to see his language mistreated. I know I don't. Therefore, I'll engage all my efforts and attention not to make ridiculous, imbecile mistakes. If I ever do, I apologize for it straight away. I intend to post mostly in Portuguese, but I'll do my best to write on a regular basis in English, French and German as well. It's «kinda» a project I have in mind...
O yes, about the blog's title! For those of you guys who may have forgotten the Latin you've learned and mastered so well at school..., here it goes: «On Beautiful Men and Other (Subjects)»... A bit pretentious, I agree, but a nice way as well, I think, to reunite Europe without falling in the obvious trap - and crap - of nowadays politics.
So people, you're all kindly welcome! Southern Europe is at this moment under a dramatic heat wave with temperatures rising up to 40º - 45ºC!!! Can you imagine such an annoyance?! No way you can go to the beach because of the UVR concentration in the atmosphere. It's just like sunbathing in the heart of the Sahara, I guess. Moreover, there's absolutely no wind blowing at all... So let's just sit back in the cool shade at home and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Yes, I know, another week's ahead... Do what? I wish you all a fine week and to those on holidays / vacances / férias / Urlaub I sincerely hope you'll get the very best out of it.
Carpe diem & be happy!

8 comentários:

leone disse...

Hey baby - keep it real as you do! Hand on me heart cos u speak from it..... xxx

robmacca disse...

Nice to read your Blog - thanks for visiting and posting on mine :-)

RIC disse...

You are definitely most generous, guys. I'm really moved. Thank you so much!

Anónimo disse...

Good luck with the new blog! I have high expectations. I will be checking in to see the progress.

Anónimo disse...

RIC, best of luck with De Viris Pulchris et Aliis. I blogrolled you already and will visit often!

RIC disse...

So, Castor, I see you understand quite well the origins of this imbecile turmoil over the Middle East. I'm definitely an European these days, but be told the truth, France and England «devided» the region in a very intelligent way. Soon after that, Germany gave a hand to stir in the boiling pot. And now...
Carpe diem, be happy, und mach's nur weiter so schön mit Deinen Zeichnungen!
Vielen herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch!

Minge disse...

Your blog and your English are as fabulous as your country.

How I wish I was back there!

RIC disse...

Dear Minge, on a dark grey, windy, rainy day here in Lisbon (most strange, hu?), your most kind words taste like honey to me and give me courage and strength to carry on.
Thank you very much. I'll keep on doing my best and be back to you again soon.