Name: Ric Bloggable
Age: <>Location: Lisbon, Portugal, EU
Vocation: Being good at and doing well what some consider being quite dispensable…
Life Philosophy: I live and let live, and I'll be learning till the day I die.
– Sum up what your blog is about.
"Everything on my blog can become subject. From life in the past to lives in the present; from day-to-day life to scientific discoveries. Get in and read – I am here also for you all. From great new books to music and cinema revelations; from world events to my own points of view; from beauty and solace to language variation. You are heartily welcome! This is a blog to and for Europe, together with the World." [Banner text]
– Why did you decide to create a blog?
I'm curious about anything that has to do with reading, writing, editing, publishing, sharing ideas and opinions, being better informed, enhance knowledge, knowing people – all of which also happens in the bloggosphere.
– What's the funniest article on your blog?
I really don't know. There may be a few among more than 200. But I'm not looking for fun. Fun is not appealing to me at all.
– What keeps you motivated to keep adding posts?
I believe it's the relationships I've been developing for the last few months. All of the sudden I surprise myself thinking about what would be interesting to post about (from my perspective), but that might be also interesting and appealing to A, B, C, or all of them at once. And there are galaxies of subjects to post about…
– Do you envy any other blogs?
Envy has never had a place in my life. Some times I just happen to read others' posts and wonder whether I'd ever come up with such great ideas or whether I'd ever reach such a writing quality. And that keeps me going.
– If you could recommend one website, what would it be and explain why.
I don't think I can. What I can do instead is to define a recommendable website (which isn't the same as a blog): unproblematic opening, trustworthy content, adequate design, easy readable, and comfortable and clearly understandable as to navigating among its parts.
– What are the common things people say about your blog?
People usually say it's interesting, some say it's educational ("once a teacher, always a teacher…"), about a few posts they may say they're provocative. They always react somehow, and that's what pleases me the most.
– What's the worst thing about doing your blog?
Some expectations I usually have. My fault, I know. But some times I just cannot help feeling a little bit frustrated by some weak feedback. Or what I consider to be so… Oh yes, and knowing too that some people living in places that attract me so much read my posts regularly and never take the time to leave a comment of any kind. That actually saddens me.
– What would you like to improve on your blog?
Everything that allows me to fulfill my goals as far as this dialogue space of mine – and of everyone else – is concerned. Respect – better than tolerance – allows you to discuss, say, gay issues with straights with no constraints. This plays a paramount role as far as human rights education is concerned. I wish everyone would easily understand that each one of us is a human being, and that's all that really matters.
– Why should someone visit your blog?
To get to know me, to share ideas about my blogging subjects, to leave a comment now and then, to discuss whatever each and every one considers important. But mainly to allow me to know how the world really is, here (allover on Earth) and now, as each day goes by. This has to do with that Portuguese way of being universal. As a poet said, "being everywhere at the same time."
– If you weren't doing your blog, how would you spend your time?
I'd be reading a lot more; I'd be writing with a publishing purpose, perhaps, I'd be doing some research about subjects that have always interested me. I'd be busy indeed! Anyway.
quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2006
Interview with the… blogger
Editado por RIC às 02:35
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18 comentários:
Oi, Ric.
Olha essa parte que você disse que tem pessoas que acessam o blog das mais diferentes partes e não deixam nenhum comentário é talvez a parte mais frustrante pra nós que temos blogs, né?
Eu acho que uma das coisas que nós mais buscamos é exatamente a resposta de quem lê o blog.
Eu sei que eu não deixo comentários em todos os posts aqui, mas procuro deixar na maioria. Aliás, espero que você goste dos meus comentá
Um abraço, amigo!
I second carioca said (what did he say?). Seriously, nice sentiments.
Caro Ric
talvez o post mais original que já li de ti, e muito inteligente.
Fazes uma certa análise retrospectiva ao teu blog, teces algumas, poucas e justas criticas aos que raramente comentam, constatas as consequências, bem positivas que vieste a encontrar.
É sempre bom, de quando em vez, questionarmos o porquê de decisões que tomamos, e ficamos bem quando vemos que elas foram acertadas para nós próprios.
Dá-nos ânimo para prosseguir. Força!
um abraço.
Olá Carioca! Inteiramente de acordo! É isso que eu quero dizer com «now and then». Ninguém tem de estar de plantão.
Mas o mapa mostra-me que há leitores regulares que nunca deixaram uma palavra...
Sabes bem que gosto dos teus comentários! De outro modo, não me daria ao trabalho de pensar as respostas...
Um abraço amigo de Lisboa para ti!
Outro para o Rio de Janeiro, que deve estar mais lindo que nunca!
Are you pulling my leg, Will?...
Nice sentiments, huh? Okay!...
Don't tell me later I don't show my inner self...
Muito obrigado, João, pelas simpáticas palavras! Às vezes apetece-me mesmo cascar: em mim próprio, nos outros, na vida, no mundo...
(Neste exacto momento, estou a tentar controlar um ataque de fúria: contra o servidor, que hoje está a fazer uma m... de trabalho, e contra o Blogger que, pelos vistos, não me deixa comentar nas versões beta, o teu blogue incluído... Portanto, ficas a saber que li sobre a Covilhã, mas nada pude dizer. Odeio que me calem o bico! Fico pior que uma barata!)
A entrevista é uma versão adaptada de uma outra que encontrei algures na blogosfera.
Um abraço para ti também!
You have been doing a lot of typing answering those questions.
Your blog is good. I enjoy readong it.
Kev in NZ
Hello Kevin! This wasn't by far the hardest one. Answering questions seems to be easy than looking for and selecting photos. That can be sometimes a nuisance...
Thank you very much for your kind words! At present you're my blogger friend who's most distant from me! I like seeing that dot over NZ just growing and growing...
Have a great day/night!
Ah, uma entrevista!!! Ou uma corrente...?
Eu detesto correntes! Tá certo que é uma brincadeira e que ajuda a conhecer as pessoas, mas é tão impessoal!!
Beijão! Estou esperando o e-mail!
Olá Ricardinho! Não, não é corrente nenhuma. É mesmo uma entrevista. Ou, pelo menos, pode ser apresentado como tal: as perguntas não são minhas, mas as respostas sim.
Eu também não gosto de correntes.
Quanto ao e-mail, hoje ainda ou talvez amanhã? Vamos ver!
Será desta? Apre! (Soltando meia dúzia de palavrões...) Anda impossível comentar. Adiante!
Ric, permite-me dizer isto:
Quase inconscientemente com o decorrer do tempo, vou fazendo «traços» da pessoa que está do outro lado...Não «traços» físicos. Esses são - para mim - irrelevantes. (Até podias ser aos quadradinhos :-)) Sigo-me, isso sim, pelos sentires.
Este édito, só veio aperfeiçoar alguns deles.
Sem mer..., deixa-me também dizer que sinto afinidade pelos mesmos.
É um prazer ler-te. Continua, sff.
(Espero ter-me feito entender...)
Olá Carla! Como te endendo tão bem! Continuo sem saber se a culpa é do servidor, se do Blogger, se dos dois ao mesmo tempo, mas que já estou farto de não conseguir comentar, lá isso estou. E palavrões chovem! Não te preocupes, que eu também não... Só tenho de ter algum cuidado a partir desta hora: isto por aqui é tão silencioso que até mer... faria cair o tecto... (rsrsrs!)
Quanto a comentares, tu dizes o que muito bem entenderes! Sem mer...! Nem mais! Agrada-me a ideia de que haja alguma coerência notória, com o passar do tempo. Como passo o tempo a saltar de assunto em assunto, pensei que não fosse fácil fazer uma ideia aproximada deste gajo do lado de cá... Ainda bem! Fico contente!
Então 'tá bem! A pedido de várias famílias vou continuar a escrever umas mer... Havendo quem goste, eu escrevo! E com prazer!
Beijinhos para ti também!
Hi baby face - just dropped in to give you some 'weak feedback' to make your weekend oh so frustrated!
Just kidding - have a great weekend you romantic Portuguese homme!
Leone xx
Hello Leone! What on earth have you been doing, if I may ask?...
You sound so amused, so joyful, so gay... (Lol!)
Which weekend?! The one that just went by, or the next? Is Korea in a new dimension now? OmG, I'm so confused... (Lol!)
Thank you so very much, you sweet mouth! Btw, in Paris you may find «un homme merveilleux», but in Lisbon you'll find «um homem maravilhoso», okay?
Wish you the best!
I consider you one of my brainiest blogger pals. I write fluff mostly to get some of my inner dialog out. But you go for true emotional depth, stretching your linguistics or history. You're fascinating and warm to read.
Thank you buddy,
I, too, would publish more if it weren't for blogging. That's why I reserve blogging for my non professional interests (i.e. gay issues) and save my ideas on immigration and asylum issues (my professional field) for regular publication. Blogging allows for a spontaneity of thought and expression that I don't permit myself, frankly, when my professional reputation is at stake.
Hello Kb! Well, I certainly wasn't expecting such praising words... In life we all need a little bit of everything. So saying that this kind of blogging is more... than that kind is somehow artificial, I'd say. I like very much - and I need - to read your blog as well!
Thank you for your intense posts! Most of them make me think a lot...
Wish you all the best!
Hello Bruce! Yes, I do agree with you as far as that division is concerned. Even if I put my entire name (I almost do it, as a matter of fact...) bellow my posts, it wouldn't be the same as doing so on a newspaper or a magazine, not to mention a book. And I do enjoy that spontaneity very much!
This whole blogging «thing» has been helping me a lot! Much more than I could ever think...
Tanti auguri per te! Grazie!
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