Dearest blogger friends, this post is entirely dedicated to you!
You've worked a miracle (though you don't know it yet)! I was lost and now I'm found! Alleluia! (lol&lol&lol!)
My addiction was unbearable since long ago. I hadn't had a quality moment for myself in a long, long time. All my free moments were to be filled with canned garbage each and every TV network was dumping on me every evening. All my critique abilities were numb; I had no say in whatever I was to watch everyday. I was no longer able of saying no. I ate up anything whatsoever they'd put in front of me, whether on a silver salver or on a disposable plastic dish. My destiny was set. I was doomed. Compared to it, my cigarettes are just peanuts…
Paraphrasing a fantastic blogger friend of us, whom we all cherish so much – our dearest Minge – and a beautiful song's title from «Some Like it Hot» – yes, sung by our lovely Marilyn Monroe – «I'm Through With Love», I would just say then:
I'm in heaven now. I'm at peace with my mind and soul. I can choose now whether to watch the news or to go on reading the book I'm feeling so thrilled about. Then I can stop reading for a while and go blogging away across the world, from Seattle to Rio de Janeiro, from São Paulo to London, from Montréal to Edinburgh, from Vienna to Sydney… Could I ever wish anything better?
There's no point in making distinctions between public and private networks, cable, satellite, pay-TV, you name it. At least, around here. I've had it! I'm so fed up of watching what those audiences controlling guys say that's what I want to watch! Are they kidding me or what? Lies, lies and more lies! F…ck them devastatingly! They do deserve it!
Oh yesss, I'm so happy about this change I could vomit (on the TV set itself… Wouldn't be such a bad idea, I guess…)
I wish you all a fabulous weekend! And you, Minge, stop being nervous and get ready for that marvellous journey! I know you deserve it. Enjoy it lavishly!
12 comentários:
I feel the same way.
I've been rarely watching TV since I've been sick.
I feel like I'm paying cable for nothing.
You forgot Montréal!?
Nice blogroll!?
Não tens de quê, WAGNER! Obrigado eu!
Quanto aos teus posts, tive entretanto oportunidade de ler muitos mais e fiquei muito bem impressionado, tanto pela forma como pelo conteúdo. Não é um elogio vazio, é a minha opinião ponderada.
Volta sempre!
I knew something was missing, Joel! I'm sorry! But as I want to make small changes to the text, I'll correct that.
You like my blogroll? Nice, isn't it? Once again, thank you for your precious help!
Eu (também) sinto que vejo demasiada tv. Gostava de conseguir senão libertar-me completamente do monstro, pelo menos aprender a dominá-lo. O que me incomoda na televisão não é o tempo que eu passo a ver os programas de que gosto, é o facto de passar muito mais tempo a ver programas pelos quais não tenho o mais pequeno interesse, ou a fazer zapping durante horas, parando de vez em quando num canal qualquer e acabando por não ver nada na mesma.
... Se fosses (tivesses sido, obviamente) meu aluno, terias pelo menos um 18 garantido, pela perspicácia, pela candura (tão rara nos nossos dias), pela correcção do raciocínio e pela excelente expressão escrita... Bravo! (E em tempos houve quem me chamasse «unhas-de-fome»...)
Nunca fui muito dependente da televisão, isto é, se tiver uma rotina que me impeça de ficar embasbacado a olhar para o ecrã. Como estou em fase de criar novos hábitos e novas rotinas, aproveitei a experiência de blogger para me limitar na comodidade de me sentar e pronto...
Ao fimda noite estava mais irritado comigo próprio do que com os programas da treta que tinha estado a ver. E disse: basta! E ach que consegui: só tenho visto o que realmente me interessa e previamente decidido. Quando acaba, desligo. E assim tenho lido e escrito muito mais! Por tudo isto estou mesmo contente!
Obrigado pelo teu comentário, um belo texto! Parabéns!
Gute Nacht, Hans!
He's so right, isn't he?
Well, Asia and Oceania may not yet have a consistent representation here, but I'll try. I believe it's useful for everyone. You cannot imagine the steps forward I've taken these last almost two months... I'm truly amazed.
Und Sie, geehrter Herr, was machen Sie gerade, wenn Sie meine Frage gestatten?
Ach du liebe Zeit, ich hatte Dir eine Email versprochen, und die Woche ist fast vorbei... Unglaublich, wie die Zeit vergeht... Ich muss mich morgen unbedingt darum kümmern. Ich brenne schon darauf, die Geschichte Deines Familiennamens zu erfragen... Ich bin gespannt.
Vielen Dank, Hans! Mach's gut weiter!
You're funny!?
You added Montreal!?
Hadn't I promised it to you, Joel? I am a man of honour...
So Montréal «entered» and, for other reasons, Melbourne left...
Enjoy your Sunday!
I have a feeling there is a little story here....
Wanna e-mail me about it?!
It's actually making me smile!?
I never doubted you!?
You know you'll probably end up seeing me in the near future!?
How's New Years in Portugal?!
PS, on the road to maybe a LDR, but only till June!? Then we'll be able to do something about it!? If it works!?
Yes, Joel, a little story, as you say, nothing more, nothing else, and I've played the fool in it of my own free will.
Hadn't I been in it, and I guess I'd be the first to smile; better, to laugh. About myself.
Are you thinking about coming to Lisbon?! How marvellous! New Year? Well, it's not so different from other capitals in the world. There are no particular traditions, but you can party alright.
As for your PS, you'll have to explain it to me, Joel... I think you some times forget - which is okay - English is a foreign language to me... :-)
loving this blog!
Thanks, Derek! Hope you'll find some more matching your taste.
You're welcome! I enjoy having friends around me, just like at a party... :-)
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